Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Why Working with Family is the Best

You have heard it a thousand times…

Never work with family

Never hire family

Never work with friends

Never hire friends

And that is true for most people because they cannot separate business from non-business. 

Relationships (business and personal) get damaged every day.


There are exceptions. There are companies who have been successful because of personal relationships.

Companies like BICO Transportation.

And we’re going to share some of those reasons for success right now

Love – Josh and Shannon are absolutely head-over-heels in love with each other; although love itself doesn’t make for good business, it’s the effort that each of them put into the relationship to be the best that they can be, and to make the other person the center of their world. Plus, they like being around each other.

Trust – Josh and Shannon trust each other, without a doubt, with every inch of their being. They trust that the other person will always be there trying their best in both their personal and business life.

Vision – The Fendell’s have a shared vision when it comes to reality. It doesn’t always start off that way, because one of them will have this “great idea” and the other one will have to reel them back in, but what that does is create conversation about what they can and can’t do within reason. They talk to each other, and make plans together.

Partners – Josh and Shannon are partners in every aspect of their lives; as husband and wife, as parents to some of the best kids out there, and in their family owned business (BICO Transportation). They make decisions together every day, and doing so in business was not a huge shift in their relationship because they communicate as partners effectively and efficiently already.

Goals – Shannon has her goals. Josh has his goals. The Fendell’s have their goals. BICO has its goals. The truly great part about the Fendell’s goal setting is that everyone has things that they are trying to accomplish, and as a family they are there for each other to help everyone grow. The same thing in business; BICO has goals, and as a family they pull together to make those goals a reality.

Dorkiness – Sometimes you have to laugh at yourself. Sometimes you have to laugh at someone else. You have to laugh and enjoy life, not at the expense of others as in being mean, but as in those dumb mishaps that we all say and do (intentionally and unintentionally) that make everyone around us laugh, including ourselves. Josh and Shannon have a bunch of stories that are hilarious that they love to share about each other, and they continue to make each other laugh on a daily basis. Life is too short to be serious all of the time, and the Fendell’s know that.

So these have been some of the reasons behind the success of BICO Transportation, and Josh and Shannon’s relationship in general. These are not all of the reasons, nor are they in-depth because we could literally write a book on each piece of the list.

In closing…

Should you work with family?

If you are BICO…yes.

For everyone else, ask yourself (and be honest), do you have what Josh and Shannon Fendell have?

For all of your hauling needs…

An old-school handshake type of transportation company.

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