Friday, June 24, 2016

Driving, Kids, and Father’s Day

Last weekend was Father’s Day…

The only day of the year that dads can’t do anything wrong and they get 100% of all of their family’s attention too (hint hint).

As we have always said…

BICO is truly a family business, and so it’s only fair that we talk about the kids and how they help the business.

They don’t do a lot, but that’s what we want. We want them to focus on school and just being kids. They do help with little, but important things (like the upkeep of the trucks and trailers), and they are almost always willing to do anything asked of them (they may need a nudge now and then).

They are really great kids (all joking aside).

Our oldest is in taking driver’s ed., and let me tell you why that’s important.

But first…

Let me tell you about this trucking outfit. You’ve all seen their trucks out and about all over the country.

Their name rhymes with…

We’re not going to tell you that. We’re not here to start a Twitter war. Gossiping is for little girls, old women, talk shows, and the Kardashians…we are none of those.

I have personally seen and talked to three drivers…3 DRIVERS…from this national trucking company who cannot back up a trailer. These three men drive semis for a living.

They pull up to the side of the building, and wait for another semi to come in. They ask that driver to back their trailer up to the loading dock.

The funniest part is the drivers that they are asking are from other companies.


And it not just people who literally get paid to back up (it is part of their job).

I was at the dump a while back and I watched this guy just sit there in an open area until a bunch of people were done. He was unable to back up without jackknifing his trailer, and so he needed space to try and maneuver. He got it in there, and it only took him 25 minutes and what seemed like a million attempts.

Is that our society?

Back to our son…

He’s the only kid in his class that can back a trailer around a corner. He has (and will have) more driving skills and abilities than at least three big rig truck drivers (and we don’t feel sorry for them either).  

And I’m not making light of this …

Our boy, when he’s old enough, will be employable to drive for anyone (if that’s what he chooses to do) because he has the skills to do it. Hopefully he stays with BICO, and one day takes the reigns away from the old man.

BICO Transportation is family strong, and we are happy that we are raising our children in a way that allows them to do anything that they choose to do, and be anyone who they want to be.  

Our children are the future (all of our children), and so shouldn’t they have the skills to prepare them for that future?

We are amazed at what our son has already accomplished in his life, and his future is really bright.

We are equally amazed at what our daughter is capable of doing, and what she will bring to this world.

We are blessed!!!

So keep an eye out, because you might just see one or both of the kids out helping dad this summer.


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