Sunday, April 17, 2016

Enjoying Life Every Day…the BICO Way

There is no secret to happiness, and the Fountain of Youth is a myth, but every life is precious and so we thank the Lord every day for our blessings.

This photo was snapped by our son a while back, but anyone who knows the Fendell’s, or has worked with BICO Transportation, knows that we enjoy life…that we live life to the fullest.

Happiness is easy if you’re in the right state of mind and are looking for it.
  • Does BICO have bad days? Yes.
  • Do our employees have bad days? Yes.
  • Do the Fendell’s (as a family unit and as individuals) have bad days? Yes.


That doesn’t ruin our overall happiness. Things do get better. Life is worth fighting for.

We believe that, and work hard every day to make each other’s lives (and our own) that much better. Better doesn’t mean money. Happiness doesn’t mean money.

When we pick up, deliver, and haul something for a customer, it is a time to rejoice because that customer brought us into their lives. In return, we brought them into the BICO family.

  • We could do our job and go home (the other guys).
  • We could do our job well and go home (higher end other guys).
  • We could do our job well, make a positive impact on the people we meet, enrich our lives, and then go home (BICO Transportation).

Happiness, good natured, friendliness, understanding, hardworking, family centric, loving life, and having the ability to love our fellow man are part of who we are. We don’t fake it. It’s not hard for us. It really is part of who we are.

Happiness is in our DNA (right next to the funny bone).


Let’s say that you have stressful transportation issue. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if you could call a shipper to take care of it, and you wouldn’t have to worry about it any longer; plus the interaction made you feel better?


BICO Transportation. When we take on a job, those items are treated as our own. You become part of the BICO family; and we guarantee that you’ll always get us on a good day, because every day is a good day.

We know that life can be hard, but loving life is easy.

Ship with a company that you trust. Ship with BICOTransportation.

Call us today at 360-269-5322
